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Abakist is the first name for people using technology in business, government and education. First as in best, original / oldest, in alphabetical order, and whom we hope you call first.

blue cross,actuarial,information, technology,price waterhouse,coopers,government,consulting, pwc,accounting, data,center,Fortune,500,Washington,dc,army,cia,Morgan Stanley,wbe,mbe,minority,supplier,diversity,diverse,supplier,wbenc,nmsdc,w/mbe,8(a);

The first known use of a computer or any "business machine" was the abak, a precursor of the abacus, in Babylon in 2,400 B.C.

Despite the availability of technology, you might recall the famous story that Babylon had some problems. People began speaking different languages; they could not communicate; there was confusion and people went their own way; and the project [ the Tower of Babel ] did not get completed.

data center,wbe,mbe,minority supplier,supplier diversity,diverse;

Our founder, Deborah Sullivan Stone, was not in Babylon in 2,400 B.C, but she was in the industry before there were Mac's or PC's.


And a central part of her experience and business philosophy is to minimize the technology "babel" and to listen to the clients, understand their "language" and even help them communicate among themselves.


Thirty years ago, as a recent math major, she was hired by the actuarial department of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts to help set health care rates. One of her primary responsibilities was to communicate with the information technology department: to be sure that the system was setting rates and monitoring the risks the way the actuarial department intended.


She joined Price Waterhouse Coopers and learned how the best accounting and consulting firms think, work and communicate with their Fortune 500 and government clients. This can be particularly valuable when collaborating with such a consulting firm on a project.


She moved to Washington to join Price Waterhouse Coopers' government consulting group. She learned to talk government and particularly military. She worked on a long term Army project, while reporting to an Annapolis graduate partner. The government also confirmed that she could be trusted not to talk: she worked on a long-term, on-site, project at the Central Intelligence Agency, that required an especially difficult to obtain security clearance.


She later learned to talk finance at Dun & Bradstreet and Morgan Stanley in New York.  


Please give her a call to talk your language at: 864-325-3409.

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